Telomeres: Protectors of Our DNA

DNA exists in our cells as tightly coiled sequences called chromosomes. Each cell has 23 pairs of these chromosomes. Every time our cells divide to create new cells, our DNA also has to get divided and replicated. In order to do this, the chromosomes have to unwind, becoming vulnerable to damage and breaks.

Telomeres Are Part of Our DNA

Telomeres are specific sequences of DNA on the ends of our chromosomes that are designed to protect our genetic material from tangling and damage during this process. Telomere protection minimizes the risk of large-scale errors in the DNA when the chromosomes get transferred to the newly created cells.

However, telomeres can shorten over time. The more times a cell divides, the shorter the telomeres become. This shortening of telomeres can affect a cell’s biological clock.

Eventually, when the telomere becomes too short to protect the chromosomes reliably, the cell dies. In this way, the length of the telomeres can provide a good estimation of how many times the chromosomes have been replicated to form new cells. [1]

Telomere length is determined by an interaction of multiple factors. Biological sex and genetics are two such factors that can affect telomeres. Estrogen, the sex hormone found in much higher levels in females, tends to be associated with longer telomere length. Errors in a person’s genes, whether due to rare inherited genetic mutations or more common smaller changes called SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) can lead to shorter telomeres. [2] 

Telomeres and Biological Aging

So, why does telomere length matter?

Shorter telomeres cause aging. They are associated with an increased risk for many diseases associated with aging, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s Disease. [3]

Are longer telomeres better? Not necessarily.

Studies have shown that telomere length is typically longer in cancer cells because they have hijacked the normal internal clock. This is one reason why cancer cells can continue to multiply much faster and longer than normal cells.

But cancer is not the only way to lengthen telomeres. 

Role of Diet, Lifestyle and Genes

Dietary and lifestyle factors have also been shown to affect the length of telomeres. Conversely, chronic stress, poor diet, environmental toxins (including smoking), and lack of adequate exercise have all been linked to shorter telomeres, primarily by increasing the levels of oxidative stress. [2]

Not everyone who experiences these stressors ends up with the same length telomeres, however.

All of these interactions are under the control of genes, and having multiple errors in these genes called SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) can make a big difference in how much these factors affect telomere length.

The good news is a person’s short telomere length is not irreversible. Recent studies have shown that providing the right diet, lifestyle, and nutritional supplements to reduce oxidative stress can reverse this process of telomere shortening over time. [2]

One of the first steps towards understanding your biological age is knowing how healthy your telomeres are. 

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2) Tsoukalas, D et al Association of nutraceutical supplements with longer telomere length. Int J Mol Med. 2019 Jul; 44(1): 218–226

3) Gruber HJ et al. Telomeres and Age-Related Diseases. Biomedicines 2021, 9, 1335.


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