The Power of Nutrigenomics

Creating optimal health is easier when you have your own personal blueprint to align with.

So much of the wear and tear on our bodies results from conflict between our genes and our environment. In fact, about 90% of all chronic health issues related to diet, lifestyle, and aging are associated with not living in alignment with our DNA.

But when you know your own DNA blueprint, you can be empowered to reduce your chances of being debilitated by chronic diseases associated with aging.

In this invited talk, Dr. Kline shares insight into how nutrigenomics has revolutionized how she approaches health. You'll also learn how this has changed lives including a woman worried about getting breast cancer, and a man who sought answers for heart disease and came away with so much more. 

 Learn more about your personal blueprint for healthy aging.


Reframing Biohacking


Telomeres: Protectors of Our DNA